Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Increase and Decrease

Only two weeks ago I learned to knit, this has to be the most self sufficient sport I have ever encountered. Since then I have knitted while working, knitted in class, knitted while walking, and most recently knitted while off-roading (I, of coarse, was not driving). While sitting in the back seat of a Jeep crawling the lateral face of a mountain, I stumbled upon increasing the stitch...the problem is I'm not sure how I did this. Today I found a blog with a great demonstration of how this happened, Thanks Crazy Aunt Pearl.

Also today I thought of a great T-shirt idea. It may already be in production, and if so I want one.

"Get a Life."
"Start a Blog."


Anonymous said...

Knitting! Fun!

I have some of those stick things, but haven't knitted anything yet.

Jaime said...

haha! Oh my, I want that shirt for myself.